Throughout the year, you will go through every online Algebra I and Geometry web exercise, to assure that your foundational skills are solid and complete.

This review work will be done on your own, outside of class. Feel free to ask review questions during class: however, due to time constraints, we cannot devote much in-class time to this material. You may get as much help as needed, one-on-one, outside of class.

The points accumulated from these review exercises are a substantial part of your grade, so please take them seriously. Not only will this review help you to do well in this course, but it is also excellent preparation for standardized tests, like the SAT and ACT. The review will largely be easy points—take advantage of them! The Algebra II points will not be as easy to earn.





If you do not achieve a score sufficient for full credit on an assignment, then points will be adjusted in the following manner:

Tuesday, September 12
expressions versus sentences
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
expressions versus sentences
concept questions: one full sheet (20 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 16 correct
5 points
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
concept questions: one full sheet (28 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 22 correct
5 points
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct
concept questions: one full sheet (28 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 22 correct
5 points
Thursday, September 14
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
concept questions: one full sheet (24 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 19 correct
5 points
basic properties of zero and one
concept questions: one full sheet (26 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 21 correct
5 points
deciding if a number is a whole number, an integer, etc.
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
deciding if a number is a whole number, an integer, etc.
concept questions: one full sheet (26 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 21 correct
5 points
Friday, September 15
addition of signed numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
addition of signed numbers
concept questions: one full sheet (24 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 19 correct
5 points
subtraction of signed numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
subtraction of signed numbers
concept questions: one full sheet (30 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 24 correct
5 points
mixed addition and subtraction of signed numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, September 18
fractions with a denominator of 2 to decimal form
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 8 seconds/correct problem
5 points
the average of two signed numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
the average of two signed numbers
concept questions: one full sheet (26 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 21 correct
5 points
the average of three signed numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
the average of three signed numbers
concept questions: one full sheet (20 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 16 correct
5 points
Tuesday, September 19
identifying place values
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
multiplying by powers of ten
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
changing decimals to fractions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of ten
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 30 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Thursday, September 21
changing decimals to percents
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
changing percents to decimals
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
introduction to sets
worksheet: one full sheet (26 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 21 correct
5 points
interval and list notation
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, September 22
introduction to variables
worksheet: one full sheet (24 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 19 correct
5 points
reading set notation
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, September 25
going from a sequence of operations to an expression
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get all 15 correct
5 points
going from an expression to a sequence of operations
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get all 15 correct
5 points
solving simple sentences by inspection
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
using mathematical conventions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, September 26
"undoing" a sequence of operations
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
solving for a particular variable
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Getting bigger? Getting smaller?
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Thursday, September 28
scientific notation
worksheet: one full sheet (20 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 16 correct
5 points
significant figures and related concepts
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
Friday, September 29
rewriting fractions as a whole number plus a fraction
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 30 seconds/correct problem
5 points
locating fractions on a number line
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 30 seconds/correct problem
5 points
fractions involving zero
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 8 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, October 2
finding reciprocals
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
determining if a product is positive or negative
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
multiplying and dividing fractions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, October 3
practice with the form  a(b/c)
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
more practice with the form  a(b/c)
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
renaming fractional expressions
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Thursday, October 5
practice with multiples
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
finding least common multiples
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
renaming fractions with a specified denominator
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, October 6
practice with factors
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
adding and subtracting fractions
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer, as in examples.
NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED; include "I did not use a calculator" in your Honor Pledge.
5 points
divisibility equivalences
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, October 9
identifying inequalities as true or false
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
bigger, smaller, greater, lesser
worksheet: one full sheet (30 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 24 correct
5 points
practice with the phrases "at least" and "at most"
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
identifying inequalities with variables as true or false
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
solving equations of the form  xy = 0
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, October 10
recognizing zero and one
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
writing fractions in simplest form
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED; include "I did not use a calculator" in your Honor Pledge.
5 points
deciding if a fraction is a finite or infinite repeating decimal
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED; include "I did not use a calculator" in your Honor Pledge.
5 points
deciding if numbers are equal or approximately equal
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 12 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Thursday, October 12
rounding decimals to a specified number of places
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 30 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tables of Unit Conversion Information (just study this)  
classifying units as length, time, volume, weight/mass
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with unit abbreviations
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, October 13
practice with unit names
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with unit conversion information
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
one-step conversions
worksheet: first 14 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer.
5 points
Monday, October 16
multi-step conversions
worksheet: first 5 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 4 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer.
5 points
rate problems
worksheet: first 5 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 4 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer.
5 points
Tuesday, October 17
practice with exponents
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with order of operations
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer.
NO CALCULATOR ALLOWED; include "I did not use a calculator" in your Honor Pledge.
5 points
basic exponent practice with fractions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, October 19
practice with  xmxn = xm+n
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with  (xm)n = xmn
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with  xm/xn = xm-n
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with  x-p = 1/xp
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
one-step exponent law practice
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, October 20
multi-step exponent law practice
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, October 23
practice with radicals
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 14 seconds/correct problem
5 points
approximating radicals
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, October 24
writing radicals in rational exponent form
worksheet: first 14 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
writing rational exponents as radicals
worksheet: first 14 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
practice with rational exponents
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Thursday, October 26
Happy Long Weekend!
practice with  x  and  -x
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with products of signed variables
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
practice with the distributive law
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, October 31
equal or opposites?
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 12 seconds/correct problem
5 points
recognizing the patterns xn and (-x)n
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
writing expressions in the form kxn
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
writing more complicated expressions in the form kxn
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 30 seconds/correct problem
5 points
writing quite complicated expressions in the form kxn
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Thursday, November 2
identifying variable parts and coefficients of terms
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
combining like terms
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
simplifying expressions like  -a(3b - 2c - d) 
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, November 3
basic FOIL
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
more complicated FOIL
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
simplifying expressions like  (a - b)(c + d - e) 
timed sheet: ≥ 5 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Monday, November 6
practice with the mathematical words and, or, and is equivalent to
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Tuesday, November 7
recognizing products and sums; identifying factors and terms
timed sheet: ≥ 5 problems correct; ≤ 50 seconds/correct problem
5 points
identifying common factors
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 20 seconds/correct problem
5 points
factoring simple expressions
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Thursday, November 9
listing all the factors of a whole number
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 60 seconds/correct problem
5 points
finding the greatest common factor of 2 or 3 numbers
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
finding the greatest common factor of variable expressions
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 50 seconds/correct problem
5 points
factoring out the greatest common factor
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
Show a complete mathematical sentence leading to your answer.
5 points
Friday, November 10
practice with the Addition Property of Equality
worksheet: first 8 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 7 correct
5 points
practice with the Multiplication Property of Equality
worksheet: first 8 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 7 correct
5 points
Monday, November 13
solving simple linear equations with integer coefficients
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
solving more complicated linear equations with integer coefficients
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
solving linear equations involving fractions
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
solving linear equations, all mixed up
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Tuesday, November 14
solving simple linear inequalities with integer coefficients
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
solving linear inequalities with integer coefficients
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
solving linear inequalities involving fractions
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Thursday, November 16
simplifying basic absolute value expressions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
determining the sign (plus or minus) of absolute value expressions
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
solving simple absolute value sentences
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
solving sentences like 2x - 1 = ±5
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Friday, November 17
Happy Vacation!
solving absolute value equations
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
solving absolute value inequalities involving "less than"
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Tuesday, November 28
solving absolute value inequalities involving "greater than"
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Thursday, November 30
solving absolute value sentences (all kinds)
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Friday, December 1
identifying perfect squares
timed sheet: ≥ 20 problems correct; ≤ 10 seconds/correct problem
5 points
writing expressions in the form A2
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Monday, December 4
factoring a difference of squares
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Tuesday, December 5
solving simple equations involving perfect squares
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Thursday, December 7
solving more complicated equations involving perfect squares
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Friday, December 8
translating simple mathematical phrases
worksheet: one full sheet (30 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 24 correct
5 points
Monday, December 11
word problems involving perfect squares
worksheet: first 5 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 4 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Tuesday, December 12
basic concepts involved in factoring trinomials
worksheet: one full sheet (16 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 13 correct
5 points
factoring   x2 + bx + c,   c > 0
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 9 correct
5 points
factoring   x2 + bx + c,   c < 0
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 9 correct
5 points
Thursday, December 14
factoring trinomials, all mixed up
timed sheet: ≥ 10 problems correct; ≤ 40 seconds/correct problem
5 points
Friday, December 15
identifying quadratic equations
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
writing quadratic equations in standard form
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Monday, December 18
solving simple quadratic equations by factoring
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Tuesday, December 19
Happy Vacation!
factoring  ax2 + bx + c
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
5 points
Thursday, January 4
Happy New Year!
solving more complicated quadratic equations by factoring
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
Write a list of equivalent sentences leading to your answer.
5 points
Friday, January 5
multiplying and dividing fractions with variables
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Monday, January 8
adding and subtracting fractions with variables
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Tuesday, January 9
writing expressions involving percent increase and decrease
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Thursday, January 11
calculating percent increase and decrease
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
5 points
Friday, January 12
problems involving percent increase and decrease
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
5 points
Monday, January 15
more problems involving percent increase and decrease
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
5 points
Tuesday, January 16
locating points in quadrants and on axes
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Thursday, January 18
practice with points
worksheet: one full sheet (18 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 14 correct
5 points
Friday, January 19
the Pythagorean Theorem
worksheet: first 12 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 10 correct
5 points
Monday, January 22
the distance formula
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Tuesday, January 23
the midpoint formula
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Thursday, January 25
introduction to equations and inequalities in two variables
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Friday, January 26
Good luck on exams!
Welcome to the Spring term!
introduction to the slope of a line
worksheet: first 5 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 4 correct
5 points
Monday, February 5
Welcome to the Spring term!
practice with slope
worksheet: first 11 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 9 correct
5 points
Tuesday, February 6
graphing lines
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Thursday, February 8
finding equations of lines
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Friday, February 9
horizontal and vertical lines
worksheet: first 14 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
Monday, February 12
point-slope form
worksheet: first 5 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 4 correct
5 points
Tuesday, February 13
parallel and perpendicular lines
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
5 points
Thursday, February 15
introduction to functions
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
Friday, February 16
introduction to function notation
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
5 points
Monday, February 19
more practice with function notation
worksheet: first 7 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 6 correct
5 points
Tuesday, February 20
domain and range of a function
worksheet: first 15 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
5 points
Thursday, February 22
Beginning Terminology, Points, Lines, and Planes
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
10 points
Friday, February 23
(free day)  
Monday, February 26
Segments, Rays, Angles
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
10 points
Tuesday, February 27
(free day)  
Thursday, March 1
Introduction to Polygons
worksheet: first 13 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
10 points
Friday, March 2
(free day)  
Monday, March 5
Introduction to Area and Perimeter
worksheet: first 14 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
10 points
Tuesday, March 6
(free day)  
Thursday, March 8
"If ... Then ..." Sentences
worksheet: one full sheet (16 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 13 correct
10 points
Friday, March 9
(free day)  
Monday, March 12
Contrapositive and Converse
worksheet: one full sheet (26 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 21 correct
10 points
Tuesday, March 13
(free day)  
Thursday, March 15
Proof Techniques
worksheet: one full sheet (20 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 16 correct
10 points
Friday, March 16
Happy Vacation!
(free day)  
Monday, April 2
worksheet: first 12 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 10 correct
10 points
Tuesday, April 3
(free day)  
Thursday, April 5
More Terminology for Segments and Angles
worksheet: one full sheet (20 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 16 correct
10 points
Friday, April 6
(free day)  
Monday, April 9
(free day)  
Tuesday, April 10
(free day)  
Thursday, April 12
Angles: Complementary, Supplementary, Vertical and Linear Pairs
worksheet: first 6 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 5 correct
5 points
Friday, April 13
Angles: Complementary, Supplementary, Vertical and Linear Pairs
concept questions: first 11 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 9 correct
5 points
Monday, April 16
(free day)  
Tuesday, April 17
Triangle Congruence
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 11 correct
10 points
Thursday, April 19
(free day)  
Friday, April 20
Relationships between Angles and Sides in Triangles
worksheet: first 11 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 9 correct
10 points
Monday, April 23
(free day)  
Tuesday, April 24
Exterior Angles in Triangles
worksheet: one full sheet (16 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 13 correct
10 points
Thursday, April 26
(free day)  
Friday, April 27
Parallel Lines
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
10 points
Monday, April 30
(free day)  
Tuesday, May 1
worksheet: one full sheet (24 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 19 correct
10 points
Thursday, May 3
(free day)  
Friday, May 4
Parallelograms and Negating Sentences
worksheet: one full sheet (16 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 13 correct
10 points
Monday, May 7
(free day)  
Tuesday, May 8
Area Formulas: Triangle, Parallelogram, Trapezoid
worksheet: first 10 problems; self-grade; must get ≥ 8 correct
10 points
Thursday, May 10
(free day)  
Friday, May 11
Similarity, Ratios, and Proportions
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
10 points
Monday, May 14
(free day)  
Tuesday, May 15
Perimeters and Areas of Similar Polygons
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
10 points
Thursday, May 17
(free day)  
Friday, May 18
Two Special Triangles
worksheet: one full sheet (14 problems); self-grade; must get ≥ 12 correct
10 points
Monday, May 21
(free day)  
Tuesday, May 22
(free day)  
Thursday, May 24
(free day)  
Friday, May 25
Happy Last Day of Classes!
Good Luck on Exams!
(free day)  

Dr. Carol J.V. Fisher
Monterey, Massachusetts, USA