audio read-through What is the Graph of $\,y = f(x)\,$?

Index card: 13ab

The lesson Graphs of Functions in the Algebra II curriculum gives a thorough introduction to graphs of functions.

For those who need only a quick review, the key concepts are repeated here. The exercises in this lesson duplicate (and then extend) those in Graphs of Functions.

Understanding the Relationship Between an Equation and its Graph

There are things that you can DO to an equation $\,y = f(x)\,$ that will change its graph.

Or, there are things that you can DO to a graph that will change its equation.

Stretching, shrinking, moving up/down left/right, reflecting about axes—they're all covered thoroughly in the next few web exercises:

An understanding of these graphical transformations makes it easy to graph a wide variety of functions, by starting with a basic model and then applying a sequence of transformations to change it to the desired function.

For example, after mastering the graphical transformations, you'll be able to do the following:

For your convenience, all the graphical transformations are summarized in the Graphical Transformations tables below. Given any entry in a row, you should (eventually!) be able to fill in all the remaining entries in that row.

(Cases 18–24 below help you master the ideas in the Graphical Transformation tables!)

Summary: Graphical Transformations

Set-Up for the Tables:

Image of original table formatting:
image of original formatting

(Note that transformations involving $\,y\,$ are intuitive)
Do This to the Previous $y$-value: add $\,p$
subtract $\,p$
New Equation: $y = f(x) + p$
$y = f(x) - p$
New Graph: shifts $\,p\,$ units UP
shifts $\,p\,$ units DOWN
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(a,b+p)$
Transformation Type: vertical translation
vertical translation
Do This to the Previous $y$-value: multiply by $\,-1$
New Equation: $y = -f(x)$
New Graph: reflect about $x$-axis
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(a,-b)$
Transformation Type: reflection about $x$-axis
Do This to the Previous $y$-value: multiply by $\,g$
New Equation: $y = g\cdot f(x)$
New Graph: vertical stretch by a factor of $\,g$
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(a,gb)$
Transformation Type: vertical stretch/elongation
Do This to the Previous $y$-value: divide by $\,g$
New Equation: $\displaystyle y = \frac{f(x)}{g}$
New Graph: vertical shrink by a factor of $\,g$
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $\displaystyle \bigl(a,\frac{b}{g}\bigr)$
Transformation Type: vertical shrink/compression
Do This to the Previous $y$-value: take absolute value
New Equation: $y = |f(x)|$
New Graph: part below $x$-axis flips up
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(a,|b|)$
Transformation Type: absolute value

Image of original table formatting:
image of original formatting

(Note that transformations involving $\,x\,$ are counter-intuitive)
Replace ... every $\,x\,$ by $\,x+p$
every $\,x\,$ by $\,x-p$
New Equation: $y = f(x+p)$
$y = f(x-p)$
New Graph: shifts $\,p\,$ units LEFT
shifts $\,p\,$ units RIGHT
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(a-p,b)$
Transformation Type: horizontal translation
horizontal translation
Replace ... every $\,x\,$ by $\,-x\,$
New Equation: $y = f(-x)$
New Graph: reflect about $y$-axis
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(-a,b)$
Transformation Type: reflection about $y$-axis
Replace ... every $\,x\,$ by $\,gx\,$
New Equation: $y = f(gx)$
New Graph: horizontal shrink
by a factor of $\,g$
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $\displaystyle \bigl(\frac{a}{g},b\bigr)$
Transformation Type: horizontal shrink/compression
Replace ... every $\,x\,$ by $\,\displaystyle \frac{x}{g}\,$
New Equation: $\displaystyle y = f\bigl(\frac{x}{g}\bigr)$
New Graph: horizontal stretch
by a factor of $\,g$
$(a,b)$ Moves to ... $(ga,b)$
Transformation Type: horizontal stretch/elongation

Concept Practice