audio read-through Inverse Trigonometric Function Problems: All Mixed Up

This section gives mixed practice with the three most common inverse trigonometric functions:

All problems should be done without a calculator.

Example 1

Compute:  $\,\arcsin(\sin 210^\circ)$


Caution! Since the sine and arcsine functions are not true inverses, they do not necessarily ‘undo’ each other.

Indeed, $\,\arcsin( \sin 210^\circ)\,$ cannot equal $\,210^\circ\,,$ since the arcsine always returns an angle between $\,-90^\circ\,$ and $\,90^\circ\,.$

Work from the ‘inside’ of the expression to the ‘outside’:

$$\cssId{s14}{ \overset{\text{step 3}} {\overbrace{\arcsin (\ \underset{\text{step 2}} { \underbrace{\sin \overset{\text{step 1}} {\overbrace{210^\circ}} }}\ )}}} $$

Step 1

solving an arcsine problem

As shown above, lay off a $\,210^\circ\,$ angle ($\,210^\circ = 180^\circ + 30^\circ\,$) in the unit circle. Recall that positive angles are laid off in a counterclockwise direction. Observe that the reference angle for $\,210^\circ\,$ is $\,\color{red}{30^\circ}\,.$

Step 2

By definition of the sine function, $\,\sin 210^\circ\,$ is the $y$-value of the terminal point.

Step 3

Apply the arcsine function:  What angle between $\,-90^\circ\,$ and $\,90^\circ\,$ has this $y$-value? Answer:  $\,-30^\circ$

Report the Answer

$\arcsin(\sin 210^\circ) = -30^\circ$

Example 2

Find:  $\,\tan(\arcsin \frac 45)$


Step 1

solving a problem involving tangent and arcsine

Show the angle  $\,\arcsin \frac{4}{5}\,$  on a unit circle. It is the unique angle between $\,-90^\circ\,$ and $\,90^\circ\,$ whose sine value is $\,\frac 45\,$; i.e., the unique angle (in the first quadrant) whose terminal point has $y$-value equal to $\,\frac 45\,.$

Step 2

scale a triangle to make it easier to work with

Take the green triangle (which has hypotenuse of length $\,1\,$ and vertical side of length $\,\frac 45\,$) and multiply all the side lengths by $\,5\,.$ This gives a similar triangle with side lengths that are much easier to work with!

Alternative approach for steps 1 and 2:

Step 3

Compute the remaining side length in the triangle:

Step 4

Tangent is opposite over adjacent:

$$\cssId{s46}{\tan(\arcsin \frac 45) = \frac{\text{OPP}}{\text{ADJ}} = \frac 43}$$

Example 3

Rewrite as an algebraic expression in $\,t\,$:   $\,\tan(\arcsin t)$


This is similar to the prior example, except for the variable $\,t\,$ instead of the constant $\,\frac 45\,.$

For what values of $\,t\,$ is $\,\arcsin t\,$ defined? In other words, what is the domain of the arcsine function?

Answer:  $\,t\in[-1,1]$

Initially, we'll suppose that $\,0 \lt t \lt 1\,,$ so you can see the similarity to the prior example. Then, we'll see that the formula obtained also works for $\,t = 0\,$ and $\,-1 \lt t \lt 0\,.$

Since both $\,\tan(\arcsin 1) = \tan(90^\circ)\,$ and $\,\tan(\arcsin(-1)) = \tan(-90^\circ)\,$ do not exist, the expression $\,\tan(\arcsin t)\,$ is not defined at $\,t = \pm 1\,.$

Step 1

write tan(arcsin t) as an algebraic expression in t

Let $\,0 \lt t \lt 1\,.$ Show the angle  $\,\arcsin t\,$  on a unit circle. It is the unique angle between $\,-90^\circ\,$ and $\,90^\circ\,$ whose sine value is $\,t\,$; i.e., the unique angle (in the first quadrant) whose terminal point has $y$-value equal to $\,t\,.$

Step 2

the angle  arcsin t  in a right triangle

Or, use the right triangle approach:  sine is opposite over hypotenuse, so:

$$ \cssId{s66}{\text{sine} = t = \frac {t}{1} = \frac{\text{OPP}}{\text{HYP}}} $$

Mark the opposite side as $\,t\,$ and the hypotenuse as $\,1\,.$

Step 3

Compute the remaining side length in the triangle:

$$ \begin{gather} \cssId{s70}{x^2 + t^2 = 1^2}\cr \cssId{s71}{x^2 = 1 - t^2}\cr \cssId{s72}{x = \pm\sqrt{1 - t^2}} \end{gather} $$

Since $\,x \gt 0\,$ in this initial discussion, choose the ‘$+$’ sign.

Step 4

Tangent is opposite over adjacent: 

$$ \cssId{s76}{\tan(\arcsin t) = \frac{\text{OPP}}{\text{ADJ}} = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-t^2}}} $$

Step 5

Note that the formula also works for $\,t = 0\,,$ as follows:

Step 6

arcsin t , for t between -1 and 0

Note that the formula also works for $\,-1 \lt t \lt 0\,,$ as follows:

Together, $\,\tan (\arcsin t) = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-t^2}}\,$ for $\,-1 \lt t \lt 0\,.$

Step 7

Combining all the cases:

$$ \cssId{s92}{\tan (\arcsin t) = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1 - t^2}}\ \ \ \text{for}\ \ \ -1 \lt t\lt 1} $$

If You Only Need a Reliable Answer ...

Zip up to WolframAlpha and type in:

arcsin ( sin(210 deg) )

tan( arcsin (4/5) )

tan( arcsin t )

Concept Practice