Saturday, December 25, 2021 Merry Christmas, everyone! [I'm writing this long-overdue entry on February 13, 2022!] Julia, Tony, Alex and Joshua joined Art, Ray and myself for a wonderful Christmas meal/celebration. However, there was an unfortunate occurrence: Carol broke her left wrist! Carol had bought a family gift of a badminton set, recalling how much she enjoyed the game as a kid. She had played less than a minute (late afternoon, after our meal) when she ran backwards for a high-flying birdie, tripped over a rock, and broke her fall largely with her left wrist. After all these years with not a single broken bone—she broke her radius and ulna. It required surgery (a metal plate with 9 tiny screws) which was done on January 5, 2022, by Dr. Domingo Cheleuitte (he was great). The plate typically remains in place, although if it starts to give me problems it can be removed at a later date. Ah, well—a backfired gift! Instead of giving me additional exercise, it decreased my activity level dramatically (for a few months, at least). But, I now have the experience of what a broken bone is like (no fun). Worst was that I had to curtail my ‘Alex days’ for a while—but they resumed in early February. Time to archive 2021 and get caught up with 2022 news! Friday, October 15, 2021 I've finished the audio read-throughs on all my lessons! It has been a lot of work. The next ‘pass’ through all my 400+ lessons will now be making them responsive, since they've had a fixed-width design for decades. I've been working on a responsive lesson template for months now. (I decided not to use Bootstrap; I'm creating just the responsive elements I need using only HTML and CSS.) Saturday, September 4, 2021 I'm beginning to learn Bootstrap as a possible tool for creating responsive pages for my site. This Bootstrap Crash Course (1:18:47) is great. It introduced me to unDraw, open source (color-customizable) illustrations for any idea. Monday, July 5, 2021 Joshua introduced us to a strategic dice-rolling game—Farkle—which was a lot of fun! I want to keep track of these links:
Sunday, July 4, 2021 I've been in Hawaii (Maui) with Julia, Tony and Alex, so I'm a bit late! Got my first two (real) PayGo purchases, two different PreCalc lessons (at four cents each). I updated my monthly stats and website income for June 2021. Since I've implemented my random blocking, the most notable change is that I'm selling lots more of my books. People seem to be buying the books as opposed to using COIL or PayGo. Friday, June 4, 2021 My site is live with a pay-for-individual-lessons PayGo option! Big day for me! ![]() I've been working with PayGo for several weeks now to offer my users a third way to open up my lessons—buy just a particular lesson. So, users now have three choices: COIL opens up all my lessons; wait a day (each day, there's a 50/50 chance that you'll see a lesson or not); buy just the one lesson. Algebra I lessons cost one cent; Geometry two cents; Algebra II three cents; Precalculus four cents. We should be going ‘live’ very soon now! PayGo is in beta, and I'm one of their first testing sites. It has been so much fun working with them! I also updated my monthly stats and website income for May 2021. Sunday, May 2, 2021 I updated my monthly stats and website income for April 2021. |
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