1. Study the index cards on Some Table Techniques. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience.
  2. Be sure that you can code all the examples from Some Table Techniques, without using any notes. They are fair game for quizzes and tests.
  3. Be sure that you can answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests.
    1. Write the code that will center the word "Hello!" in a browser window, no matter how the window is re-sized.
    2. Write the code that would give the "vertical rule" and text columns shown below:
      This first column of text should be 200 pixels wide. There should be a 3-pixel wide vertical rule, colored green, between the two text columns. There should be 15 pixels of "space" on each side of the vertical rule.
      This second column of text should be 50 pixels wide.
    3. When you are creating a colored vertical rule between text columns, should you use CELLPADDING or CELLSPACING to add space between the columns, and why?
    4. When you are creating a colored vertical rule between text columns, how can you keep the "empty cell" that contains the vertical rule from disappearing in Netscape Navigator?
    5. Write the code that will create the box of text with border, as shown below:
      There should be a 5-pixel wide red border around a 150 (height) by 300 (width) pixel box of text. The text should be centered, both horizontally and vertically, inside the box.
    6. Write the code that will create the box of text with border, as shown below:
      There should be a 3-pixel wide blue border around a box of text whose width is half of the window width, height one-third of the window height. The text should be left and top-aligned, with a yellow background.
    7. To produce a box with a colored border, you put a table inside a table. Does the border color go in the outside table, or the inside table?
    8. To produce a box with a colored border, you put a table inside a table. Does the interior (text) color go in the outside table, or the inside table?
    9. To produce a box with a colored border, you put a table inside a table. Should you use CELLPADDING or CELLSPACING in the outside table to specify the width of the border?
  4. Continue reading in Chapter 12 in the Weasel book, from the middle of page 180 ("Horizontal Rules") to the end of the chapter (page 188).
    Be able to answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests.
    1. What is the tag name for a horizontal rule?
    2. By default, how wide is a horizontal rule?
    3. If a horizontal rule is in a table cell, what is its default width?
    4. Is a horizontal rule a block-level element, or a text-level element?
    5. What attribute is used to specify the height of a horizontal rule?
    6. What attribute is used to specify the width of a horizontal rule?
    7. What are the possible horizontal alignments for a horizontal rule? What is the default?
    8. Write the code that produces the four little boxes (each 20 pixels by 20 pixels) shown below. They should have four different colors: red, blue, green, and yellow.

    9. Name three types of media that can be embedded in a web page.
    10. What are the three tags used to embed media in HTML documents?
    11. What is the HTML 4.01 preferred tab to embed media in HTML documents?
    12. How did the <object> tag begin?
    13. Can the <object> tag be used to place an image on a page? If so, how would it be used to put "tree.gif" on a page?
    14. Is the <object> tag a standalone tag, or a container tag?
    15. How is the text inside the <object> container used?
    16. What is a Java applet?
    17. List four advantages of Java applets:
    18. Are all major browsers Java-enabled?
    19. List two disadvantages of Java applets:
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Questions are asked in random order.
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