homepage: Dr. Carol JVF Burns
Square Dance: Table of Contents

Square Dance Basic 2: Ocean Wave Rule

Ocean Wave Rule at Taminations

Basic 2

Ocean Wave Rule

Some calls that are defined to start from facing couples (#6)
can also start from a right-hand ocean wave (#8).

What do such calls have in common?
You find yourself in a right-hand ocean wave near the beginning of the call!

So ...
... if you hear the call when you're already in an ocean wave,
just complete the call!

Right and Left Thru
Square Thru
Pass Thru
Slide Thru
Box the Gnat
Double Pass Thru
Pass to the Center
Basic 2

Right and Left Thru from a Right-Hand Wave

(an application of the ‘Ocean Wave Rule’)

When you do a right and left thru,
you (momentarily) have a (right-hand) ocean wave.

So, if you start
in a right-hand wave...

... and hear the call
‘right and left thru’...

... just finish the call
with the courtesy turn!