audio read-through Even and Odd Functions

Index card: 16ab

Even Functions

DEFINITION even functions

A function $\,f\,$ is even

if and only if

for all $\,x\,$ in the domain of $\,f\,,$ $\,f(x) = f(-x)\,.$

For even functions: when inputs are opposites, the corresponding outputs are the same.

even functions: when inputs are opposites, outputs are the same even functions: when inputs are opposites, outputs are the same

Odd Functions

DEFINITION odd functions

A function $\,f\,$ is odd

if and only if

for all $\,x\,$ in the domain of $\,f\,,$ $\,f(x) = -f(-x)\,.$

For odd functions: when inputs are opposites, the corresponding outputs are opposites.

odd functions: when inputs are opposites, outputs are opposites odd functions: when inputs are opposites, outputs are opposites

Concept Practice