Miss Hall's School


Advanced Algebra Through Data Exploration, A Graphing Calculator Approach, By Jerald Murdock, Ellen Kamischke, and Eric Kamischke. Key Curriculum Press, copyright 1998, ISBN 1-55953-225-4.


One Mathematical Cat, Please! by Carol J.V. Fisher, copyright 1998.
This is available both as a spiral-bound softcover at the MHS bookstore, and on the web.
This text (the "CAT BOOK") is officially covered in Algebra I at Miss Hall's School. Students who have not had Algebra I at Miss Hall's School are strongly encouraged to read this text, on their own, to gain perspectives on the mathematical language that are incorporated into the Miss Hall's curriculum. Some instructors may choose to assign this reading throughout the first few weeks of the course as homework, and give quizzes over the material—both as a review for some students, and as a benefit to those who have not yet seen this material.

There are 124 class meetings in the 2002–2003 academic year: 64 in the Fall term, and 60 in the Spring term. Algebra II meets four days per week, typically Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, with 50 minutes per class.

This schedule offers an approximate syllabus that will complete the course objectives by year's end. The objectives in parentheses, e.g. (EXP3), are more fully explained in the Course Objectives List: Algebra II. Emphasis should be on these course objectives. Additional material in the text, that is not specified in the course objectives, may be covered at the discretion of the instructor, as time permits.

  1. Review of Algebra II Prerequisite test material
  2. Review of Algebra II Prerequisite test material
  3. Review of Algebra II Prerequisite test material
  4. Prerequisite Test

    In Chapter 0 (INTRODUCING THE CALCULATOR) you should incorporate: EXP3, CALC3
  5. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 Introducing the Calculator (EXP3, CALC3)
  6. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 Introducing the Calculator (EXP3, CALC3)

  7. supplemental material: set-builder notation; intersection and union of sets (EXP15)

    Choose topics as desired from the first four chapters, to pique student interest and develop appropriate group-working skills:
    Chapter 4 (DATA ANALYIS)
  8. warm-up group work: choose, as desired, from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
  9. warm-up group work: choose, as desired, from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
  10. warm-up group work: choose, as desired, from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
  11. warm-up group work: choose, as desired, from Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4

    In Chapter 5 (FUNCTIONS), you should incorporate: GR1, GR2, GR3, GR4, GR5, GR6, GR7, GR8, GR9, GR10, FCT1, FCT2, FCT3, FCT4, SEN2, CALC2, CALC5, CALC6
  12. 5.1 Interpreting Graphs (GR1, GR2, GR3)
  13. 5.2 Connections with Sequences (optional)
  14. 5.3 The Linear Family (REVIEW)
  15. 5.4 The Parabola Family (GR4, FCT4)
  16. 5.5 The Square Root Family (optional)
  17. 5.6 The Absolute Value Family (GR7, SEN2)
  18. 5.7 Stretching a Curve (GR5, GR6)
  19. 5.8 A Summary (optional)
  20. 5.9 Composition of Functions (FCT1, FCT2)
  21. supplemental material: piecewise-defined functions (FCT3)
  22. 5.10 Chapter Review (GR8, GR9, GR10)
  23. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives
  24. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives
  25. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives
  26. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives
  27. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives
  28. extra day, Chapter 5 objectives

    In Chapter 6 (PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS AND TRIGONOMETRY), you should incorporate: FCT10
  29. 6.3 Right Triangle Trigonometry (FCT10)
  30. 6.4 Geometric Shapes
  31. 6.5 Wind and River Problems
  32. 6.6 Using Trigonometry to Set a Course
  33. 6.7 Chapter Review

    In Chapter 7 (EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS), you should incorporate: EXP7, EXP8, EXP9, EXP10, EXP11, FCT7, FCT8, SEN1, SEN4, SEN5, SEN6, CALC1, CALC4
  34. 7.1 The Exponential Function (FCT7)
  35. 7.2 Rational Exponents and Roots
  36. 7.3 Properties of Exponents
  37. 7.4 Building Inverses of Functions
  38. 7.5 Equations with Rational Exponents (optional)
  39. 7.6 The Logarithmic Function (EXP7, EXP8, EXP11, FCT8)
  40. 7.7 Properties of Logarithms (EXP9)
  41. 7.8 Applications of Logarithms (EXP10)
  42. 7.9 Curve Straightening and More Data Analysis (optional)
  43. 7.10 Chapter Review (optional)
  44. supplemental material: solving exponential and logarithmic equations/inequalities (SEN4, SEN5)
  45. supplemental material: solving exponential and logarithmic equations/inequalities (SEN4, SEN5)
  46. supplemental material: solving radical equations/inequalities (SEN1, SEN6)
  47. supplemental material: solving radical equations/inequalities (SEN1, SEN6)

    In Chapter 8 (TOPICS IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS), you should incorporate: EXP1, EXP2, EXP13
  48. 8.1 Using Random Numbers (optional)
  49. 8.2 Random Numbers in Two Dimensions (optional)
  50. 8.3 Some Counting Techniques (EXP13)
  51. 8.4 Waiting and Expected Value (optional)
  52. 8.5 Chromatic Numbering (optional)
  53. 8.6 The Transition Matrix (EXP1, EXP2)
  54. 8.7 Matrix Operations (optional)
  55. 8.8 Chapter Review (optional)
  56. extra day, Chapter 8
  57. extra day, Chapter 8
  58. extra day, Chapter 8
  59. extra day, Chapter 8

  60. EXAM #1
  61. EXAM #2
  62. EXAM #3
  63. EXAM #4
  64. EXAM #5


    In Chapter 9 (SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS), you should incorporate: SEN7, SEN8, SEN9
  65. 9.1 Zooming In on Systems (SEN7)
  66. 9.2 Substitution and Elimination (SEN7)
  67. 9.3 Number of Solutions (SEN7)
  68. 9.4 Matrix Solutions of Systems (SEN8)
  69. 9.5 Linear Inequations and Systems (SEN9)
  70. 9.6 Linear Programming (SEN9)
  71. 9.7 Applications of Linear Programming (SEN9)
  72. 9.8 Determinants and System Classification (optional)
  73. 9.9 Chapter Review (optional)
  74. extra day, Chapter 9 objectives
  75. extra day, Chapter 9 objectives

    In Chapter 10 (POLYNOMIALS), you should incorporate: EXP4, EXP6, FCT5, FCT6, SEN3
  76. 10.1 Finite Differences (optional)
  77. 10.2 Different Quadratic Forms (optional)
  78. 10.3 Factored Polynomials (optional)
  79. 10.4 (SEN3)
  80. 10.5 Applications and Algebraic Solutions (optional)
  81. 10.6 (FCT5, FCT6)
  82. 10.7 (EXP4)
  83. 10.8 (EXP6)
  84. 10.9 Chapter Review (optional)
  85. extra day, Chapter 10 objectives
  86. extra day, Chapter 10 objectives
  87. extra day, Chapter 10 objectives
  88. extra day, Chapter 10 objectives

    In Chapter 11 (PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS), you should incorporate: EXP12, EXP14
  89. 11.1 (Permutations and Probability (EXP14)
  90. 11.2 Combinations and Probability (EXP14)
  91. 11.3 Binomial Theorem (EXP12)
  92. 11.4 Standard Deviation (optional)
  93. 11.5 Normal Distributions (optional)
  94. 11.6 Using the Normal Curve (optional)
  95. 11.7 Chapter Review (optional)

    In Chapter 12 (FUNCTIONS AND RELATIONS), you should incorporate: EXP5, FCT9, SEN10
  96. 12.1 The Inverse Variation Function (FCT9, SEN10)
  97. 12.2 Rational Functions (FCT9, SEN10)
  98. 12.3 Refining the Growth Model (optional)
  99. 12.4 Functions Involving Distance (optional)
  100. 12.5 The Circle and the Ellipse (optional)
  101. 12.6 The Parabola (optional)
  102. 12.7 The Hyperbola (optional)
  103. 12.8 The General Quadratic (EXP5)
  104. 12.9 The Rotation Matrix (optional)
  105. 12.10 Chapter Review (optional)

    In Chapter 13 (TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS), you should incorporate: FCT10
  106. 13.1 Defining the Circular Function (FCT10)
  107. 13.2 Other Periodic Functions (optional)
  108. 13.3 Combinations of Functions (optional)
  109. 13.4 The Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines (optional)
  110. 13.5 Trigonometric Equations and Inverse Functions (optional)
  111. 13.6 Polar Curves (optional)
  112. 13.7 Polar Coordinates and Complex Numbers (optional)
  113. 13.8 Chapter Review (optional)

  114. supplemental material: LOGIC1
  115. supplemental material: LOGIC2
  116. supplemental material: LOGIC3
  117. supplemental material: LOGIC4
  118. extra day, logic objectives
  119. extra day, logic objectives

  120. EXAM #1
  121. EXAM #2
  122. EXAM #3
  123. EXAM #4
  124. EXAM #5