- What is a personal mission statement?
- a simple, written statement
- it defines the kind of person you want to be
- it defines how you want to live your life
- it provides clarity and gives a sense of purpose to life
Three sample mission statements:
Mahatma Gandhi (18691948):
Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
- Ben Franklin (1706-1790):
writer, inventor, scientist, one of the founding fathers who drafted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States
Carol Burns (show framed document)
Choose a mat! I'll frame your mission statement for you!
- What good is a mission statement?
- It can connect you with your own unique purpose, and the satisfaction that comes from fulfilling it.
- It can form the basis for making major, life-directing decisions.
- It can form the basis for making daily decisions in the midst of turmoil.
- It can be your guiding light when things get dark.
- Why should you have one?
Lewis Carroll wrote: ‘If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.’
Activity: Give an image (say, from nature) of a life that does not have direction:
Activity: Give an image of a life that does have direction (as provided by a personal mission statement):
- Watch
Begin with the End in Mind (6:45, Stephen R. Covey)
He has never revealed his three-word mission statement. Guess!
- I will serve.
- Show love unconditionally.
- Trust in God.
How to Develop Your Personal Mission Statement (3:13, Stephen R. Covey)
- Start small!
Write one or two statements for yourself.
I'll frame them.
You can add/edit over time!