Practice Using the SELECT Tag

(Do NOT code the information in italics. These are just instructions for you. Have Dr. Fisher check your form when you are done coding. Be sure to NAME each SELECT tag with an appropriate name.)

(1) Choose your favorite color from the list:

(Use a pull-down menu. The user should only be able to choose ONE color. The choices should be: black, blue, green, orange, purple, red, yellow, white.)

(2) Choose your favorite color from the list:

(Same as above, except that "yellow" should be initially selected.)

(3) Choose your favorite color from the list:

(Same as above, except use a scrollable menu instead of a pull-down menu. Again, the user should only be able to choose ONE color. )

(4) Choose all the colors that you like from the list:
(After your first selection, use the "Cntl" to make additional selections.)

(Same color selections as above. Use a scrollable menu, where more than one color can be selected. Just use the default number of initial selections showing.)

(5) Choose all the vegetables you like from the list.

(Use a scrollable menu, where more than one vegetable can be selected. Notice that five foods should be showing initially. The choices should be: beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, corn, cucumbers, green beans, green peppers, lettuce, peas, tomatoes.)

Decide on the correct type of menu (pull-down or scrollable) for each of the following questions:

(6) Select the courses you are taking this term:

(Choices: math, HTML & Web Design, English, foreign language, science, history)

(7) Select your favorite subject:

(Same choices as in (6).)

(8) How many sisters/brothers do you have?

(Choices: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, more than 5)

(9) At Miss Hall's School, I am currently a:

(10) On a typical day, I eat (select all that apply):

(You are seeing all the possible choices.)