HTML and WEB DESIGN COURSE, 2003--2004 academic year: Lesson 8
Study the index cards on Text Appearance. I've included a hard copy of these
index cards, for your convenience.
Be sure you can answer all the questions!
What is meant by an "inline style" tag?
What are the common structural tags for controlling text appearance?
List several tags that specify text appearance that are NOT structural tagsthat force a particular presentation.
Do the worksheet items (W9.1) and (W9.2) on Text Appearance.
Be sure to use the correct structural tags to code the following!
The name of the article is MathML: Getting Math on the Web.
Here is a code sample: x<sup>2</sup>
This word is emphasized. This is being typed from a keyboard.
This is being strongly emphasized.
Use the variables num1 and num2 to denote your two numbers.
Also be able to write the code to produce the following:
Getting bigger and bigger and bigger!!
Words getting smaller.
Normal size and one size smaller in bold.
These are italicized and underlined words.
The number x2 represents the second number.
One of the most beautiful equations is eπi = -1 .
Please read pages 3740 (up to "Shifting and Dithering") in the Weasel book and answer the following questions:
There are three "places" (mentioned on the top of page 37) where the way color is presented on
web pages can be influenced. What are these three places?
Do monitors differ in the number of colors they can display at a time? If so, what is the high end,
and what is the low end?
How do monitors display colors?
What does the phrase "RGB color" refer to?
Explain the phrase "RGB color is a 24-bit system".
What is the "true color space"?
What is "Lab," and what does it stand for?
What is HSB, and what does it stand for?
Note that the numbers 0 to 1 give two choices; the numbers 0 to 255 give 256 choices. What
does something like "R: 198, G: 83, B: 52" mean?
What is the "system palette"?
Do Macs and PCs use the same system palettes?
What does "gamma" refer to?
Fill in the blank: the higher the gamma value, the _________ the display.
Arrange the default gamma settings for the three major platforms (Unix, PC, Mac) from lightest to darkest:
Are there web graphic tools available for simulating or adjusting gamma levels?
(5 pts) Show me that you've marked the answers to all the questions in your text book!
(10 pts) Questions from the index cards and reading (see below).
There will be 12 randomly-chosen questions; you will cross off 2 questions.
The remaining 10 questions are worth 1 point each.
Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
Questions are asked in random order.
You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.