1. Study the index cards on Floating Frames. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience. The Weasel book is more up-to-date than this (old) lesson, so be sure to read the pages in the Weasel book for the true scoop about current support for floating frames!
  2. Be sure that you can answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests.
    1. What is another name for a "floating frame"?
    2. What is another name for an "inline frame"?
    3. What is a "floating frame"?
    4. What is an "inline frame"?
    5. What are the two main advantages of a floating frame?
    6. What is the difference between the attributes "HSPACE" and "MARGINWIDTH" for floating frames?
    7. What is the default alignment for floating frames?
    8. What does "scrolling=auto" mean, for floating frames?
    9. By default, does a frame border appear on floating frames, or not?
    10. How can you turn a frame border off on a floating frame?
  3. Do worksheet item (W39.2) in Floating Frames to practice coding floating frames.
  4. Read pages 242 (from "Targeting Frames") to page 246 (up to "Frame Design Tips and Tricks"). Be sure that you can answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests:
    1. By default, where does a linked document load?
    2. Suppose you have a framed document, with a table of contents in one frame, and a second frame that will display the item selected from the table of contents. In this situation, do you want the linked document to load in the same window as the link?
    3. If you want to load a linked page into a particular frame, what is the first thing that you must do?
    4. How do you assign a name to a frame?
    5. Write the code that would assign the name "main" to a frame that contains the file "main.html".
    6. Write the code for an anchor tag that would load the file "new.html" into a frame that has been named "main".
    7. What happens if a link contains a target name that does not exist in the frameset?
    8. How can you get a "pop-up window"?
    9. Suppose you want all the links in a given document to load in the same frame, named "main". Instead of setting the target in every single link in the document, what can you do? (Write the needed code.)
    10. Suppose a target in an individual link says one thing, and the target set in the <BASE> tag in the head of the document says another thing. Who wins?
    11. There are four standard target names for special redirection actions, and they all begin with a special character, to make them easy to recognize. What is this special character?
    12. What are the four standard target names for special redirection actions? (list them)
    13. What will happen if you name a frame with a name that begins with an underscore?
    14. What does target="_blank" do?
    15. Write the code that will load "http://google.com" into a new (pop-up) window. Use the appropriate reserved target name.
    16. What does target="_parent" do?
    17. What is meant by a "parent frame"?
    18. What does target="_top" do?
    19. What browser introduced inline frames?
    20. What is the tag name for an inline frame?
    21. Are inline frames supported by any version of Netscape Navigator?
    22. Is <iframe> a part of the HTML 4.01 specifications?
    23. Placing an inline frame is similar to doing what familiar operation?
    24. Write the code for an inline frame that loads the file "scrolly.html" in a frame with height 100 pixels and width 200 pixels.
    25. Is IFRAME a stand-alone tag, or a container tag?
    26. What happens to text that goes inside an IFRAME container?
    27. Can align, hspace, and vspace be used with inline frames, the same way that they are used with images?
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