- Study the index cards on Pixels and Resolution. I've included a hard copy of these
index cards, for your convenience.
You'll need a ruler for this lesson. You can print out a paper one at this site:
- Be sure that you can answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and
- What is the word "pixel" short for?
- What is a pixel?
- When a graphics monitor is reported as being "1024 by 768," what do these numbers mean?
- What is "resolution"?
- Is resolution measured in different ways for different devices?
- What are two types of devices that would report their "resolution"?
- How is "monitor resolution" usually stated?
- How is "printer resolution" usually measured?
- What does "dpi" stand for?
- What type of device usually states resolution using units of dots per inch?
- Will a 100 pixel line look the same on everyone's monitor?
- What two things determine what the length of a 100 pixel line will look like, for a given individual?
- Suppose an individual has a monitor that is 11.2 inches wide, and measures 1024 pixels across. How long
will a 100 pixel line appear in this situation? (SHOW ALL WORK LEADING TO YOUR ANSWER!)
- Suppose that Bob's screen area is 17 inches across. His monitor resolution is 800×600.
How long will the 100-pixel line appear on his machine?
- Finish reading Chapter 11 in the Weasel book, pages 154 to 163. You already know a lot of this material,
since you've just finished a week working on imagemaps! However, there's some new information in this reading.
Be able to answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests.
- Which is the newer technology, client-side imagemaps or server-side imagemaps?
- What is meant by "redundant imagemaps"?
- Is it possible to put together an imagemap manually?
- What is a popular imagemap creation tool for PC? Is it free, or does it cost money? (Visit the indicated
website to find out!)
- Name two full-featured WYSIWYG web authoring tools that have imagemap creation tools built in.
- Describe very briefly how an imagemap-creation tool works; what does it do FOR you that saves your time
and energy?
- What is one way to get the functionality of an imagemap, without actually using an imagemap?
- If you use an imagemap, what might you do to accomodate users who can't view graphics?
- What is one advantage to a "simulated imagemap using a table," with regards to users who cannot
view graphics?
- What is a "rollover button"?
- Can JavaScript be used to create a rollover button?
- What is the most common type of link?
- Name two types of "links" that don't use the HTTP protocol:
- Must a browser be configured to support the "mailto:" link?
- Write the code that would say "Send Carol email!" and would open up an email tool with the email
address "carol@hotmail.com" already in place.
- Can the "mailto:" link also be used to fill in the "Subject" field, the "CC" field, the "BCC" field,
and BODY text in the email?
- Write the code that would say "Send Carol email!" and would open up an email tool with the email
address "carol@hotmail.com" already in place; it should have "reporting a bug" in the SUBJECT line; it
should have "webguru@hotmail.com" in the CC line.
- If you're using a "mailto:" link and want a space character in some subject code, how must you code this
space character?
- What character is used in a "mailto:" link to separate the subject information
from cc information, from bcc information, etc.?
- What character is used in a "mailto:" link to separate the primary email address from the subject information?
- What is a word of warning about putting an email address on a web page?
- What does the word "spidering" mean, in the context of the web?
- What is the purpose of an "ftp://" link?
- What is an "anonymous FTP server"?
- List five types of links that are much less common than "http://", "mailto:", and "ftp://".
- What is the
tag used for?
- What is the most popular application of the
- (20 pts) Questions from the index cards and reading (see below).
There will be 27 randomly-chosen questions; you will cross off 7 questions.
The remaining 20 questions are worth 1 point each.
Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
Questions are asked in random order.
You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.