1. Study the index cards on Web-Safe Colors. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience.
    Do worksheet item (W27.1). You may want to bookmark this page as a good source for viewing the web-safe colors.
  2. Be sure that you can answer all the following questions, which are fair game for quizzes and tests.
    1. What is a "palette"?
    2. What is a "system palette"?
    3. What is the "web palette"?
    4. How many colors are in the web palette?
    5. Are the web-safe colors "safe" on UNIX terminals?
    6. What are some other names for the "web palette"? (Give at least three more names.)
    7. What is "color shifting"?
    8. Is it easy to recognize which colors are in the WEB PALETTE, from their hexadecimal codes? Be sure to give a reason WHY.
    9. Is #33FF00 a web-safe color? Why or why not?
    10. Is #770033 a web-safe color? Why or why not?
    11. Is #123456 a web-safe color? Why or why not?
    12. What are the advantages to using only web-safe colors when designing graphics and HTML pages?
  3. Continue reading in the Weasel book in Chapter 10, Formatting Text. In this lesson, you'll read about the inline styles; so, you'll be reading pages 117 (bottom) to 123 (top) and then pages 128 (middle) to 133 (middle).
    Be able to answer all the following questions. Many of the questions ask you to write snippets of code; be sure that you test all your code using SimpleText and your favorite browser! Also, be aware that some of the code that you will write in this section is deprecated.
    1. What is meant by an inline style?
    2. What does "abbr" in the tag <abbr> stand for?
    3. Write the code that specifies the abbreviation "MA" for "Massachusetts".
    4. Write the code that writes HTML IS FUN! in bold.
    5. Write the code to produce: BIG BIGGER BIGGEST
    6. Write the code that will produce exactly what you see here (which is some sample code): <big>a big word</big>
    7. Write the code that will produce exactly what you see here: &lt; big &gt; a big word &lt; /big &gt;
    8. When the <basefont> tag appears in the head of the document, what does it apply to?
    9. When the <basefont> tag appears somewhere in the body of a document, what does it apply to?
    10. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does YYYY stand for?
    11. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does MM stand for?
    12. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does DD stand for?
    13. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does hh stand for?
    14. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does mm stand for?
    15. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does ss stand for?
    16. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does TZD stand for?
    17. The standard date and time format for HTML is: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD
      What does the T after the DD stand for?
    18. Represent the time August 28, 1958 in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD format.
    19. Represent the date and time August 28, 1958, 9:58 AM in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD format.
    20. What does "dfn" in the tag <dfn> stand for?
    21. Write the code for: "The word complement means to fill out; to complete." (Here, the word "complement" is being defined.)
    22. What does "em" in the tag <em> stand for?
    23. How do most browsers render emphasized text?
    24. Is the <font> tag deprecated?
    25. Use the font tag to write your name in green Helvetica type, size 5, like this: Carol Fisher
    26. Use the font tag to write your name in blue type, one size smaller than the default setting, like this: Carol Fisher
    27. Use the <basefont> tag to set the default type to size 4; then, inside this text, have your name appear two times bigger, like this:
      Here is some text of size 4. Inside this text, the word Carol is two sizes bigger!
    28. What does "i" in the tag <i> stand for?
    29. Suppose you're co-writing an article with a colleague, and it's very important that you keep track of revisions. Suppose you initially had a sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
      On January 7, 2003, the word "very" was inserted, as follows:
      "The very quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
      Write the code to do this.
    30. Suppose you're co-writing an article with a colleague, and it's very important that you keep track of revisions. Suppose you initially had a sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
      On February 14, 2004, the word "lazy" was deleted, as follows:
      "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
      Write the code to do this.
    31. What does "kbd" in the tag <kbd> stand for?
    32. Write the code to indicate that text should be entered from the keyboard by the user: "Please type the letters  "hbue"  and then press ENTER." Also note the extra spaces around "hbue".
    33. What is the difference between <q> and <blockquote>?
    34. Write the code for the short quote: Out of discipline comes flexibility.
    35. Write the code to format the following sample code:
      This is small type.
    36. Write the code to produce: SMALL SMALLER SMALLEST
    37. Is <span> a block-level style or inline style?
    38. What is <span> usually used in conjunction with?
    39. What is the tag <strong> used for?
    40. Write the code to produce: (x2)5
    41. Write the code to produce: (x5)2
    42. What does "u" in the tag <u> stand for?
    43. Write the code to produce this phrase (where one word is underlined):    I love chocolate!
    44. Do inline style tags add line breaks or extra space?
    45. Are closing tags required for inline style tags?
    46. What is a "logical" or "content-based" style?
    47. Give five examples of logical inline style tags.
    48. What is a "physical" style?
    49. Give five examples of physical inline style tags.
    50. What is the tag for strike-through text?
    51. Is <abbr> a logical or physical style?
    52. Is <blink> a logical or physical style?
    53. Is <dfn> a logical or physical style?
    54. Is <i> a logical or physical style?
    55. Is <strong> a logical or physical style?
    56. Is <small> a logical or physical style?
    57. Have any of the HTML logical inline style tags been deprecated?
    58. Have any of the HTML physical inline style tags been deprecated?
    59. Which of the tags <div> and <span> is a block-level element?
    60. Which of the tags <div> and <span> is an inline element?
    61. Is the <font> tag in keeping with the purist HTML philosophy of separating presentation and structure?
    62. Is the <div> tag deprecated?
    63. According to the author of the Weasel book, is the <div> tag likely to disappear any time soon, and why?
    64. Fill in the blanks:
      The value of the size attribute in the <font> tag can be any number from        to       , with        being the default size. Size        is the largest, and size        is the smallest. Size  x+1  is about        percent        than size  x .
    65. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      Some words with a <font size="+2">different word</font> here!
    66. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      <font size=5>Some words with a <font size="+2">different word</font> here!</font>
    67. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      <font size=6>Some words with a <font size="+2">different word</font> here!</font>
    68. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      <font size=4>Some words with a <font size="+2">different word</font> here!</font>
    69. When <font> tags are nested, are the effects of their relative sizes cumulative?
    70. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      <basefont size=5>
      <font size=6>Words of size 5 with a <font size=+1>different word</font> inside!</font>
    71. Will "different word" be larger, smaller, or the same size as the surrounding words?
      <basefont size=5>
      <font size=7>Words of size 5 with a <font size=+1>different word</font> inside!</font>
    72. What are the five generic font families that can be used in <font face="fontlist">?
    73. Identify the font family being used for the sentence below: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, or fantasy
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    74. Identify the font family being used for the sentence below: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, or fantasy
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    75. Identify the font family being used for the sentence below: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, or fantasy
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    76. Identify the font family being used for the sentence below: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, or fantasy
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
    77. Identify the font family being used for the sentence below: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, or fantasy
      The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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Questions are asked in random order.
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