1. Study the index cards on More On Forms. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience. However, be sure to visit the lesson online and experience the difference between checkboxes and radio buttons! Be sure you can answer all the questions.
    1. The <FORM> tag takes an ACTION attribute; what value does this attribute take?
    2. What are the two possible values for the METHOD attribute in the FORM tag?
    3. List three common types of INPUTs inside a FORM:
    4. What kind of inputs is <INPUT TYPE="text"> used for?
    5. What is a "checkbox" input type used for?
    6. Can more than one choice be selected in a checkbox?
    7. What happens if a form is submitted, and no radio button in a group is selected?
  2. Please read pages 91–102 (all of Chapter 8) in the Weasel book. A lot of this material is repeated from the index cards in the original course. Some of the questions are repeated below, and some of these questions are brand new!
    1. What book does the author recommend for a more in-depth study of HTML?
    2. Fill in the blanks: Before HTML, there was ______ (which stands for ___ ___ ___ ___).
    3. How much of SGML does HTML use?
    4. What are the three "flavors" of HTML documents?
    5. What does DTD stand for?
    6. Which DTD excludes all deprecated tags and attributes?
    7. Which DTD is less restrictive, including many of the elements that are deprecated?
    8. Most developers today comply with WHICH DTD?
    9. According to the W3C, what will come after HTML 4.01?
    10. What does XML stand for?
    11. List three sets of rules enforced by XHTML that make a document "well-formed":
    12. What are these called, in the context of HTML? < >
    13. Is anything inside angle brackets displayed in the browser?
    14. What are "attributes"?
    15. Do attributes go in the start tag, or the end tag?
    16. Is the order that attributes are listed important?
    17. Study this HTML tag: <IMG SRC="image.gif" WIDTH="45" HEIGHT="60">
      What is the tag name? How many attributes are there? What are these attributes? What is the value of the WIDTH attribute? What is the value of the SRC attribute?
    18. Can values for attributes be case-sensitive?
    19. Under what conditions can the quotation marks around an attribute value be omitted?
    20. If an attribute value contains a space, then can the quotation marks around the attribute value be omitted?
    21. What is a simple coding mistake that can cause hours of debugging frustration?
    22. What does Dr. Fisher recommend that you do, whenever you're typing quotes, like in SRC="image.gif"?
    23. What does nesting refer to?
    24. Write the code to produce this:
      The weather is gorgeous today.
      Note that the word "gorgeous" is both bold and italics.
    25. Correct this code:
      The weather is <b><i>gorgeous</b></i> today.
    26. How is a series of paragraphs tags, with no intervening text, interpreted by browsers?
    27. What does a browser do with a tag that it doesn't understand?
    28. Suppose you've mis-typed a tag name, and have <ING SRC="pic.gif">
      What might happen?
    29. How can you insert comments in HTML?
    30. What are the two major portions on an HTML document?
    31. What part of the HTML document contains the stuff that is actually displayed in the browser window?
    32. The skeletal structure of an HTML document is shown at the bottom of page 97; but HTML 4.01 specifies that there should be another line. What is it?

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