HTML and WEB DESIGN COURSE, 2003--2004 academic year: Lesson 13


  1. Study the index cards on More on Images. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience. Be sure you can answer all the questions!
    1. How can I use a graphic as a link?
    2. How can I tell when a graphic is being used as a link?
    3. What happens to my image if a person has graphics turned off, or the graphics file can't be found?
    4. How do I provide alternative text for a graphic?
  2. Do worksheet item (W13.1) on More on Images. Here, you'll continue with the online tutorial.
  3. It's nice to see what things look like to people who have a text-only (no graphics) browser, like Lynx. Visit the following site, read the information, and then enter the URL of the page    to see (approximately) what it would look like to people using Lynx:
  4. Figure out how to TURN OFF THE GRAPHICS in your favorite browser for faster loading of web pages. (HINT: Use the HELP material; search for something like "turn off graphics.") View the web page    without graphics; what has changed? Have I used alternative text for the "dancing Hobbs" icon? (Don't forget to turn your graphics back on.)
  5. Put ALTERNATIVE TEXT into any graphics that you are currently using in your homepage; be sure to do the same for any future graphics.
  6. Please read pages 50–52 (from "Basic Server Functions" up to "Unix Directory Structures") in the Weasel book and answer the following questions:
    1. What does a slash (/) at the end of a URL indicate?
    2. What happens if no specific document is specified in a URL?
    3. What is another name for the "default file" that is displayed if a URL doesn't request a particular file?
    4. What are three of the most common names for the default file that is displayed if a URL doesn't request a paricular file?
    5. If a server is poorly configured, what can happen if a URL doesn't request a particular file, and no index file is found?
    6. What is the first thing that happens when a server locates a requested file?
    7. What kind of information is in the HTTP response header?
    8. What are two other names for "media type"?
    9. How does a server usually determine a file's media type (format)?
    10. After a browser reads the HTTP response header information, what does it do?
    11. List two of the most common options for server-side programming.
    12. What does CGI stand for?
    13. What languages are CGI scripts commonly written in?
    14. What is the most common use for a CGI script?
    15. List three things that CGI scripts are traditionally used for.
    16. Is CGI programming getting more common or less common, and why?
    17. Where do most server administrators keep all CGI scripts?
    18. What is "CGI-bin" shorthand for?
    19. What happens when a CGI script is requested by a browser?
    20. What does ASP stand for?
    21. What is ASP?
    22. Can ASP be used to process form information?
    23. What does a suffix of ".asp" mean on a web document?
    24. What is "PHP"?;
    25. What does "JSP" stand for? What is it?

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