HTML and WEB DESIGN COURSE, 2003--2004 academic year: Lesson 10
Study the index cards on Introduction to Images. I've included a hard copy of these
index cards, for your convenience.
Be sure you can answer all the questions!
List three of the four primary uses for images (graphics) on the Web.
How do I insert an image in my document?
What does IMG stand for?
What does SRC stand for?
Do worksheet item (W12.1) on Introduction to Images. Here, you'll
continue with the online tutorial.
There are LOADS of free graphics available on the Web. Here's one of many available sites to get you started:
Find several graphics (here or elsewhere) that you like, and write IMG tags that will display it in
an HTML file. Here's how to save an image from the web on a Mac:
Be sure you're logged in to your MHS file server.
Locate an image that you want on the web.
Click and hold (for about 2 seconds) on the image. A menu should pop up.
Select Download Image to Disk
Navigate to your personal folder.
You'll probably want to use their suggested name.
Click "Save". Done!
Do some searching for sites where you can get free images. Insert a link on your homepage to one (or more)
of your favorite sites for graphics!
Please read pages 4651 (from "Web Graphics Production Tips" up to "Basic Server Functions") in the Weasel book and answer the following questions:
Should you ever resize an image to be larger than its original size? Give a reason to support your answer.
If you want to make an image much smaller than its original size, how should you do it?
What does the phrase "anti-aliasing" mean?
In general, should you use aliased text, or anti-aliased text for web graphics?
Should very small text (10 to 12 points or smaller) be anti-aliased? Give a reason supporting your answer.
What does the phrase "front-end" web development refer to?
What is a "server"?
What are "clients"?
Is a browser a "server" or a "client"?
What do the phrases "server-side" and "client-side" refer to?
What machine do "client-side" functions happen on?
What machine do "server-side" functions happen on?
What primary task do web servers do?
Fill in the blank: Web browsers and servers communicate via the ___________________________________ .
What does HTTP stand for?
Can any computer be a server? If so, what is required?
What are the leaders today in server software packages?
What does IIS stand for?
Is there a cost for the two most popular server software packages?
Which is currently more popular, Apache or IIS server software?
(10 pts total) Coding part:
(4 pts) Show me that you know how to save an image from the web on a MAC
(2 pts) Use the link to your favorite graphics site that you have put on your homepage!
(4 pts) Write the HTML code to insert your downloaded image into a document.
(3 pts) Show me that you've marked the answers to all the questions in your text book.
(12 pts) Questions from the index cards and reading (see below).
There will be 17 randomly-chosen questions; you will cross off 5 questions.
The remaining 12 questions are worth 1 point each.
Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
Questions are asked in random order.
You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.