HTML and WEB DESIGN COURSE, 2003--2004 academic year: Lesson 10
Study the index cards on Links Within Documents. I've included a hard copy of these
index cards, for your convenience.
Be sure you can answer all the questions!
What does "naming a fragment" mean? In particular, what is a "fragment"?
What does "linking to a fragment" mean?
How do you name a fragment?
What do you call anchors that use the NAME attribute?
Suppose you want to link to the fragment named "this_place" in the document "www.document.htm". What would the anchor tag look like to do this?
Do worksheet item (W11.1) on Links Within Documents,
where you'll continue with the online tutorial.
Create an HTML file, called test1.htm, that has the words "the top" at the top, then about 40 <br> tags, then the words "after the
breaks". On the top of the file, put a named anchor that takes you to the words "after the breaks".
Create a second HTML file, called test2.htm. Write a link that takes you to the file test1.htm,
directly to the words "after the breaks".
Please read pages 4346 (from "System Colors in Web Pages" up to "Web Graphics Production Tips") in the Weasel book and answer the following questions:
An 8-bit display allows 256 colors, and there are only 216 colors in the browser's web palette. What happens to the remaining 40 colors?
What colors are particularly difficult to reproduce using only the colors in the web palette?
What are the two most popular formats for graphics on the web?
What does "GIF" stand for?
What was the first graphic file format to be supported by web browsers?
What file format is used for the vast majority of graphics on the Web today?
What is the greatest number of colors that a GIF file can display?
What types of graphic images are GIF files most appropriate for?
What is the second most popular graphics file format on the Web?
What does "JPEG" stand for?
Which file format allows more colors, GIF or JPEG? How many more?
What type(s) of images are best saved as JPEG files?
What does "PNG" stand for, and what is it?
What are a couple nifty features of the PNG file format?
How many dots per inch (dpi) are common for printed images? How many dpi are web graphics?
What do "dpi" and "ppi" stand for? Do these terms tend to used interchangeably?
Suppose an image is displayed on a 72 dpi monitor, and is one inch wide. Will it look bigger or smaller
on a 100 dpi monitor?
Does the measure of "inches" have meaning on the web? If not, what is the only meaningful unit?
Instead of thinking in terms of "how many inches" an image is for web design, what SHOULD you be thinking of?
What is one "bad" thing about graphics on the Web?
What is the single most important guideline a web designer should follow regarding graphics?
(10 pts) Coding part; write a link to a named location in a document.
(3 pts) Show me that you've marked the answers to all the questions in your text book.
(15 pts) Questions from the index cards and reading (see below).
There will be 18 randomly-chosen questions; you will cross off 3 questions.
The remaining 15 questions are worth 1 point each.
Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
Questions are asked in random order.
You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.