HTML and WEB DESIGN COURSE, 2003--2004 academic year: Lesson 10


  1. Study the index cards on Introduction to Links. I've included a hard copy of these index cards, for your convenience. Be sure you can answer all the questions!
  2. Do worksheet item (W10.1) on Introduction to Links, where you'll continue with the online tutorial.
    Write a link to my homepage, . The clickable area should say Going to Dr. Fisher's homepage!
    Write a link to Amazon, . The clickable area should say Get yourself a good book!
  4. Please read pages 40–42 (from "Shifting and Dithering" up to "System Colors in Web Pages") in the Weasel book and answer the following questions:
    1. When a browser running on an 8-bit monitor encounters a color from the full color space, it can try to approximate it in two different ways. What are these two ways?
    2. Describe "color shifting". Can color shifting result in large discrepancies in how a color is displayed on a 24-bit display versus an 8-bit display?
    3. Describe "dithering". Where is dithering most noticeable?
    4. What usually happens for colors specified in an HTML document (like background or table colors)—shifting or dithering?
    5. What usually happens in images—shifting or dithering?
    6. What is one situation (mentioned in the box on page 40) where color approximation can become particularly troublesome?
    7. Fill in the blanks: the web palette recognizes ______ shades of red, ______ shades of green, and ______ shades of blue, resulting in ____________ possible color values.
    8. What are the three systems used for defining RGB values?
    9. What are the possible decimal (base ten) values for RGB color? Give an example of a typical decimal RGB value.
    10. In the decimal RGB system, web-safe colors are multiples of _____ .
    11. Is 51-153-255 a web-safe color? Answer yes or no, and give a reason why.
    12. Is 27-51-102 a web-safe color? Answer yes or no, and give a reason why.
    13. Fill in the blank: hexadecimal is a base ______ system. (The hexadecimal system will be studied later on.)
    14. Fill in the blanks: Web-safe colors are in increments of ____ percent. The percentage value equivalent of the RGB color 51-51-255 is __% __% __%
    15. The percentage value equivalent of the RGB color 102-153-204 is __% __% __% .

    16. To answer the following questions, study the web palette at

    17. What is the RGB color 0-0-0 (the total absence of color)?
    18. What is the RGB color 255-255-255 (the total presence of color)?
    19. What is the RGB color 255-0-0?
    20. What is the RGB color 0-255-0?
    21. What is the RGB color 0-0-255?
    22. What is the RGB color 255-0-255?

    Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
    Questions are asked in random order.
    You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.

    How many problems would you like on the quiz? (27 max)