copyright 2004 Carol J.V. Fisher
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LESSON 1: Introduction
- Welcome!
- Go over the syllabus.
- Try out the typing test that will be used to test your typing skills:
The quiz over this typing test will be on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24.
- Get the Weasel Book.
- Talk about "setting up the screen": you want a browser, Simpletext, and your personal file folder
all easily accessible.
- Create your first, very simple, HTML document! (We'll do this together in class.)
- Study the index cards from INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET. The questions
on index cards (which are repeated below) are fair game for quizzes and tests.
- What is the "Internet?"
- What is HTML?
- What is a "markup language"?
- What is "hypertext"?
- What is a browser?
- What two browsers dominate the market?
- What are some other browsers in use?
Write out answers to the questions. I may ask you one of these questions for a Quick Quiz (and you will
be allowed to use your notes).
You do NOT need to do the ASSIGNMENT #1 items.
- Glance over the Table of Contents on pages vxii of the Weasel Book to see what's in store.
- Quickly read the Preface, pages xiiixix. It gives a nice personal perspective on the history
of the web, and gives a quick overview of the text. LIST FIVE THINGS from the overview of the
text that seem particularly meaningful and exciting to you.
- Read pages 37 (up to "Browser Usage Statistics") and answer the following questions:
- What do most authors agree is the biggest challenge in web design? (Make sure you understand all
the words in your answer.)
- Does the general public tend to keep up with the "latest and greatest"?
- What is a PDA? (Sometimes, you may need references other than the Weasel Book to answer some questions.)
- When your text was written, what was the current version of each major browser?
- What are the newest available versions of each major browser? (web research!)
- What POSITIVE thing(s) have come out of the competition between the two major browsers?
- What NEGATIVE thing(s) have come out of the competition between the two major browsers?
- List five browsers, other than the major two, that web authors may choose to take into consideration.
- According to your text, Mac users account for approximately what percent of global web traffic?
- What does AOL stand for?
- According to your text, what percent of AOL users view the Web on Windows machines using IE 5.0 or higher?
- Suppose you have a web site that you've checked in our computer lab on both major browsers, and it looks
GREAT. Will it necessarily look the same through the AOL system?
- Showing me that you can "set up your screen" quickly.
- Questions from the index cards and reading (see below).
- (Note: The TYPING TEST will be a separate quiz.)
Prepare for the quiz over this section by practicing below.
Questions are asked in random order.
You can generate a printable quiz with solutions.