Polar Coordinates (Part 3)
(This page is Part 3. Click here for Part 1. Click here for Part 2.)
Converting from Rectangular Coordinates to Polar Coordinates
Given a point with rectangular coordinates $\,(x,y)\,,$ we want formulas for polar coordinates $\,(r,\theta)\,.$ That is, we want:
- a formula for $\,r\,$ that depends on $\,x\,$ and $\,y$
- a formula for $\,\theta\,$ that depends on $\,x\,$ and $\,y$
Here's part of the punchline: For all real numbers $\,x\,$ and $\,y\,$:
$$\cssId{s7}{r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}$$Unfortunately, $\,\theta\,$ is considerably more complicated! The details follow.
To convert from rectangular to polar coordinates, first introduce a polar axis. The formulas are simplest by placing the pole at the origin, with the ray pointing in the direction of the positive $x$-axis.
Since every point has infinitely many names in polar coordinates, decisions need to be made about which names to return!
Formula for $\,r$

As the sketch above suggests, there's an easy formula to get a point's distance from the origin:
$$\cssId{s16}{r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}$$The table below verifies that the expression $\,\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ returns the correct distance from the origin for every point in the plane.
Recall that for all real numbers $\,t\,$:
- $|t|\,$ gives the distance from $\,t\,$ to zero
- $\sqrt{t^2} = |t|$
- $|t|^2 = t^2\,$
Point(s) $\,(x,y)\,$: | the origin: $\,(0,0)\,$ |
Distance from $\,(x,y)\,$ to origin: | $\color{red}{0}$ |
The expression $\,\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ gives: | $\begin{align}&\sqrt{x^2 +y^2}\cr &\quad = \sqrt{0^2 + 0^2} = \color{red}{0}\end{align}$ |
Point(s) $\,(x,y)\,$: | $x$-axis: $\,(x,0)\,$ |
Distance from $\,(x,y)\,$ to origin: | $\color{red}{|x|}$ |
The expression $\,\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ gives: | $\begin{align}&\sqrt{x^2 +y^2}\cr &\quad = \sqrt{x^2 + 0^2}\cr &\quad = \sqrt{x^2} = \color{red}{|x|}\end{align}$ |
Point(s) $\,(x,y)\,$: | $y$-axis: $\,(0,y)\,$ |
Distance from $\,(x,y)\,$ to origin: | $\color{red}{|y|}$ |
The expression $\,\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ gives: | $\begin{align}&\sqrt{x^2 +y^2}\cr &\quad = \sqrt{0^2 + y^2}\cr &\quad = \sqrt{y^2} = \color{red}{|y|}\end{align}$ |

Point(s) $\,(x,y)\,$: | Four quadrants: $\,(x,y)\,$ for $\,x\ne 0\,$ and $\,y\ne 0$ |
Distance from $\,(x,y)\,$ to origin: |
See sketch above:
Drop a perpendicular from the point to the $x$-axis. The right triangle thus formed has side lengths $\,|x|\,$ and $\,|y|\,.$ Using the Pythagorean theorem:
&= |x|^2 + |y|^2\cr &= x^2 + y^2
$$\cssId{s41}{\text{hyp} = \color{red}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}}$$
The expression $\,\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ gives: | $\color{red}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}$ |
Formulas for $\,\theta$
Using the formula $\,r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,$ guarantees that $\,r\,$ is nonnegative.
With nonnegative $\,r\,,$ there are two conventional choices for $\,\theta\,$ to get unique names for all points in the plane:
- $0 \le \theta \lt 2\pi$
- $-\pi \lt \theta \le \pi$
Formula for $\,\theta\,$ in Quadrant I

Quadrant I (where $\,x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y \gt 0\,$) is no problem!
Given a point $\,(x,y)\,$ in Quadrant I, the right triangle shown above always has these properties:
- For polar coordinates, we need $\,\color{red}{\theta}\,.$
- The side OPPosite $\,\color{red}{\theta}\,$ has length $\,y\,.$
- The side ADJacent to $\,\color{red}{\theta}\,$ has length $\,x\,.$
- Thus, $\,\color{red}{\tan \theta = \frac{\text{OPP}}{\text{ADJ}} = \frac yx}\,.$
In Quadrant I, $\,\color{red}{\theta}\,$ is always (strictly) between $\,0\,$ and $\,\frac\pi 2\,.$ So, we want the angle between $\,0\,$ and $\,\frac\pi 2\,$ whose tangent is $\,\frac yx\,.$ In this case, the arctangent gives us precisely the angle we want!
Formulas for $\,\theta\,$ in Other Quadrants
Since (by definition) the arctangent function always returns angles in the interval $\,(-\frac{\pi}2\,,\,\frac{\pi}2)\,,$ once we leave Quadrant I, the formulas for $\,\theta\,$ may require some ‘tweaking’.
As you'll see next, the formula for $\,\theta\,$ is a piecewise-defined function—with quite a few pieces!

Quadrant I: $\,x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y \gt 0\,$
In this quadrant: $\displaystyle\theta = \arctan \frac yx$
Piecewise-Defined Function that Returns $\,\theta\in [0,2\pi)\,$ for Points $\,(x,y)$
These sketches are used to get the different ‘pieces’ for the piecewise-defined function. In all sketches, the black point has rectangular coordinates $\,(x,y)\,.$

$\,x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y\ge 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx \ge 0$
$\displaystyle\,\color{red}{\theta = \arctan{\frac yx}}$
Note: $\displaystyle\,\theta\in [0,\frac\pi 2)$
Note: when $\,y = 0\,,$

$\,x = 0\,$ and $\,y\gt 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx\,$ is not defined
$\displaystyle\,\color{red}{\theta = \frac\pi 2}\,$

$x \lt 0\,$ and $\,y\ge 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx \le 0$
$\displaystyle\,\color{red}{\theta = (\arctan{\frac yx}) + \pi}\,$
Note: $\displaystyle\,\theta\in (\frac\pi 2,\pi]$
Note: when $\,y = 0\,,$

$x \lt 0\,$ and $\,y\lt 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx \gt 0$
$\displaystyle\,\color{red}{\theta = (\arctan{\frac yx}) + \pi}$
Note: $\displaystyle\,\theta\in (\pi,\frac{3\pi}2)$

$x = 0\,$ and $\,y\lt 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx\,$ is not defined
$\displaystyle\color{red}{\theta = \frac{3\pi}{2}}$

$x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y\lt 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx \lt 0$
$\displaystyle\color{red}{\theta = (\arctan{\frac yx}) + 2\pi}\,$
Note: $\displaystyle\,\theta\in (\frac{3\pi}2,2\pi)$

$x = 0\,$ and $\,y = 0$
Here: $\displaystyle\,\frac yx\,$ is not defined
$\displaystyle\color{red}{\theta = 0}$
Note: For uniqueness, we can agree that the point with rectangular coordinates $\,(0,0)\,$ gets represented only by $\,r = 0\,$ and $\,\theta = 0\,.$
The piecewise-defined description of $\,\theta\,$ is given below.
Similarly, you can find formulas for $\,\theta\,$ when the desired angles to be returned are in the interval $\,(-\pi,\pi]\,.$
This formula for $\,\theta\,,$ together with $\,r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}\,,$ gives a unique representation $\,(r,\theta)\,$ for each point with rectangular coordinates $\,(x,y)\,.$
The angles $\,\theta\,$ are in the interval $\,[0,2\pi)\,.$
$$ \cssId{s111}{\theta = \cases{ 0 &if $\,x = 0\,$ and $\,y = 0\,$\cr\cr \arctan\frac yx &if $\,x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y \ge 0\,$\cr\cr \frac\pi 2 &if $\,x = 0\,$ and $\,y \gt 0\,$\cr\cr \pi +\arctan\frac yx &if $\,x \lt 0\,$\cr\cr \frac{3\pi} 2 &if $\,x = 0\,$ and $\,y \lt 0\,$\cr\cr 2\pi +\arctan\frac yx &if $\,x \gt 0\,$ and $\,y \lt 0\,$ }} $$Flowers, Spirals, and More
There are many fun/
Spirals (and more)
Below, $\,r\,$ is a simple linear function of $\,\theta\,$:
$$\cssId{s117}{r = m\theta + b\,, \ \ \text{ for } \theta\in [\theta_{\text{start}},\theta_{\text{end}}]}$$Type in Desired Values for the Curve $\,r = m\theta + b$
$m\,$: | $b\,$: |
$\theta_{\text{start}}\,$ (radians): | $\theta_{\text{end}}\,$ (radians): |
$r = m\theta + b$, for $\, \theta\in [\theta_{\text{start}},\theta_{\text{end}}]$
Change parameters by setting values and clicking the ‘Plot the curve!’ button.
Three points are given:
- The blue point is the start point: $\,r_\text{start} := m\theta_{\text{start}} + b$
- The green point is the end point: $\,r_\text{end} := m\theta_{\text{end}} + b$
The red point is a glider on the curve.
Drag it around!
Rectangular coordinates are ‘attached to’ the point. Corresponding polar coordinates are displayed at the top right of the graph (with $\,\theta\,$ between $\,-180^\circ\,$ and $\,180^\circ\,$).
Note that:
- $m\,$ controls how fast $\,r\,$ changes: When $\,\theta\,$ changes by an amount $\,\Delta\theta\,,$ then $\,r\,$ changes by $\,m\Delta\theta\,.$ That is, $\,r\,$ changes $\,m\,$ times faster than $\,\theta\,.$
- $b\,$ gives an ‘offset’: When $\,\theta = 0\,,$ then $\,r = m(0) + b = b\,.$
- The viewing screen changes as needed, so that you can see the entire curve. If you change a value and it looks like the graph hasn't changed—check the scales on the $x$ and $y$ axes!
Here are some for you to try:

$r = \theta\,,$ for $\,\theta\in [0,4\pi]$

$r = -\theta\,,$ for $\,\theta\in [0,2\pi]$

$r = 3\theta - 10\,,$ for $\,\theta\in [0,5\pi]$

$r = 0.3\,\theta\,,$ for $\,\theta\in [-10,10]$
Flowers (and more)
Of course, WolframAlpha can plot polar curves! Here are some for you to try—you can cut-and-paste the text below each image (if desired).
Polar Rose: $\,r = a\cos(k\theta)$
($\,a\,$ gives the length of the petals)
Gives a rose with $\,k\,$ petals when $\,k\,$ is an odd integer (for $\,\theta\in [0,\pi]\,$)

r = 2cos(5theta), with theta from 0 to pi
Gives a rose with $\,2k\,$ petals when $\,k\,$ is an even integer (for $\,\theta\in [0,2\pi]\,$)

r = 3cos(4theta), with theta from 0 to 2pi
Just Have Fun!

r = 10 + sin(2*pi*theta), for theta from 0 to 14pi

r = theta * cos(theta), for theta from -4pi to 4pi
You can cut-and-paste the text above into WolframAlpha, and then play around!