Introduction to Asymptotes
Rational functions usually have interesting asymptote behavior.
Asymptotes exhibited by rational functions come in different flavors, as shown below:

The dashed red line is horizontal.
The blue curve is getting closer and closer to this horizontal red line as $\,x\rightarrow\infty\,$ and as $\,x\rightarrow -\infty\,.$
Thus, the red line is
a horizontal asymptote.

The dashed red line is vertical.
The blue curve is getting closer and closer to this vertical red line as $\,x\,$ approaches a finite number (from the right, and from the left).
Thus, the red line is a vertical asymptote.

The dashed red line is not horizontal, and not vertical. It is ‘slanted’.
The blue curve is getting closer and closer to this ‘slanted’ red line as $\,x\rightarrow\infty\,.$
Thus, the red line is a slant asymptote.

The dashed red curve is not a line.
The blue curve is getting closer and closer to this red curve as $\,x\rightarrow\infty\,$ and as $\,x\rightarrow -\infty\,.$
Thus, the red curve is an asymptote that is not a line.
Vertical, horizontal and slant asymptotes are studied in more detail in the next few sections.