(6) Description of Potential Negative or Unintended Consequences:
Describe any outcomes that may not be beneficial that you have considered.
Who might consider your application problematic and why?
Great question. I've thought about this a lot in preparing for this essay. Here are a few things I've come up with:
- My site could become so popular that my server can no longer handle the load. Although everything I have is client-side, the server still has to “serve up” the pages, and with ♥ millions of users ♥ it could become overloaded. I could be unable to afford a server capable of handling the load, and hence users could begin to have a poor user experience, discouraging future use.
- From a larger usership, I could start receiving so many emails that it would cut into my time to continue substantive work on my site. I may have to make a decision to not answer each email personally.
- If schools were to start using the online curriculum as their sole mathematics resource, then textbook publishers might lose business.
- Pay-for-math web sites might suffer, if there are comparable (or better) quality resources available for free.
- MathML might become so popular that people will begin to demand properly-displayed mathematics on the web. Existing math web sites (that use pictures and such) may have to rewrite their offerings using MathML, in order to maintain their usership.