homepage: Dr. Carol JVF Burns
Square Dance: Table of Contents

Square Dance Basic 2: Trade

Trade at Taminations
Trade video (1:45 to 3:55)

Basic 2

Trade (boys/girls/centers/ends/partners/couples)

Both dancers exchange (trade) places by walking forward in a semi-circle,
ending up facing opposite directions from start.
Different start positions require slightly different actions, as illustrated below.

Opposite/Same directions

AO start

NO start

AS start

NS start
if facing opposite directions:

AO action

NO action
exchange places by walking forward;
if adjacent, hold hands
if facing same direction:

AS action

NS action
walk forward/side, passing right shoulders

AO end

NO end

AS end

NS end
Basic 2

Partner Trade versus Couple Trade

Partner Trade start

break at center;
normal trade (other side)

Partner Trade end

Couple Trade start;
each couple acts as a single unit

‘couple units’ do a normal trade;
each couple hold hands

Couple Trade end