audio read-through Definition of an Ellipse

Ellipses were introduced in Introduction to Conic Sections, as one of several different curves (‘conic sections’) that are formed by intersecting a plane with an infinite double cone.

Identifying Conics by the Discriminant introduced the general equation for any conic section, and gave conditions under which the graph would be an ellipse.

In this current section, we present and explore the standard definition of an ellipse. This definition facilitates the derivation of standard equations for ellipses.

Recall that the notation ‘$\,d(P,Q)\,$’ denotes the distance between points $\,P\,$ and $\,Q\,.$


An ellipse is the set of points in a plane such that the sum of the distances to two fixed points is constant.

More precisely:

  • Let $\,F_1\,$ and $\,F_2\,$ be points; they are called the foci of the ellipse (pronounced FOE-sigh).

    (The singular form of ‘foci’ is ‘focus’.)

  • Let $\,k\,$ be a positive real number, with $\,k \gt d(F_1,F_2)\,.$ In this section, $\,k\,$ is referred to as the ellipse constant.

The ellipse determined by $\,F_1\,,$ $\,F_2\,$ and $\,k\,$ is the set of all points $\,P\,$ in a plane such that:

$$ \begin{gather} \cssId{s18}{\overbrace{d(P,F_1) + d(P,F_2)}^{\text{the sum of the distances to two fixed points}}}\cr\cr \cssId{s19}{\overbrace{=\strut}^{\text{is}}}\quad \cssId{s20}{\overbrace{k}^{\text{constant}}} \end{gather} $$
definition of ellipse

$\,P\,$ is a general point on the ellipse.

$\,d(P,F_1) + d(P,F_2) = \text{constant}$

Old-Fashioned Playing with the Definition of an Ellipse

hands-on understanding of an ellipse

Got a piece of cardboard, paper, tape, string/cord (not stretchy), and pen/pencil? Then, you can create your own ellipse:

(The sunflower in a vase is optional. I grew my own sunflowers from seed in 2017, when I was writing this section!)

More Playing with the Definition of an Ellipse

You can also play with ellipses using the dynamic JSXGraph below:


In the definition of ellipse, the ellipse constant $\,k\,$ is required to be strictly greater than the distance between the two foci.

Why? As shown below, other values of $\,k\,$ don't give anything that a reasonable person would want to call an ellipse!

A ‘Line Segment’ Ellipse: $\,k = d(F_1,F_2)$

Suppose the ellipse constant, $\,k\,,$ equals the distance between the foci: that is, $\,k = d(F_1,F_2)\,.$

In this case, the solution set to the equation

$$ \cssId{s62}{\color{green}{d(P,F_1)} + \color{red}{d(P,F_2)} = k} $$

is the line segment between $\,F_1\,$ and $\,F_2\,$ (including the endpoints). Most people don't want to call a line segment an ellipse! This is why $\,k\,$ is not allowed to equal $\,d(F_1,F_2)\,$ in the definition of ellipse.

a line segment ellipse

An ‘Empty’ Ellipse: $\,k \lt d(F_1,F_2)\,$

The shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.

In particular, the shortest distance from $\,F_1\,$ to $\,F_2\,$ is the length of the line segment between them, and is denoted by $\,d(F_1,F_2)\,.$

an empty ellipse

Thus, any path from $\,F_1\,$ to $\,F_2\,$ must have length greater than or equal to $\,d(F_1,F_2)\,.$

In particular (refer to sketch above), the piecewise-linear path from $\,F_1\,$ to $\,P\,$ and then from $\,P\,$ to $\,F_2\,$ always has length greater than or equal to $\,d(F_1,F_2)\,.$

Therefore, if the ellipse constant $\,k\,$ is strictly less than $\,d(F_1,F_2)\,,$ there are no points $\,P\,$ that make the following equation true :

$$ \begin{gather} \cssId{s79}{\overbrace{d(P,F_1) + d(P,F_2)\strut }^{\text{always $\,\,\ge\,\, d(F_1,F_2)$}}}\cr\cr \cssId{s80}{=}\quad \cssId{s81}{\overbrace{\strut k}^{\lt \,\, d(F_1,F_2)}} \end{gather} $$

You might want to call this an empty ellipse, an invisible ellipse, or an imaginary ellipse! There's nothing there!

Concept Practice