Brooks-Cole Publishers loved it.
They said things like this:

Do you agree with the rationale for the contents and approach of the book?
Does the author succeed in his/her goal for the book?

Yes and yes. There is a real need for students to understand the ideas in this book. Some students pick it up easily as they study mathematics in high school and beyond. Others are so used to thinking of mathematics as pushing symbols around rather than communicating ideas in a special language that they never understand these ideas. This hampers their success. Thus I am convinced that the need for this book is immense.

How well does this book stand up to its competitors?

That's easy to answer: There are no competitors. It is not a textbook for a course but a supplement, and I've never seen any similar thing before. One marketing idea you might think about is stressing the NCTM Standards and their emphasis on proper mathematical communication.