Are you looking for an online math course
for high school and beyond?
complete online content (no textbook purchase required)SEQUENCING
sequenced lessonsSEARCHABLE
can easily search entire site for particular topic of interestMATHEMATICS
correctly displayed mathematics (without using images)CREDENTIALS
author(s) are highly credentialed, so you can trust the contentPRACTICE
unlimited, randomly-generated online and offline practiceQUIZZES
unlimited, easily generated quizzes/worksheets with answers to check yourselfRESOURCES
incorporates instruction on using high-quality, free online math resourcesFREE
free of charge; keep distracting ads to a minimum
Please contact me to complete/correct/revise your entry.
Send me your site URL, if you think that it should be included in this list.
(Only free sites containing sequenced content for an entire course are included.)
‘Desirable Features’ that are not met are shown in red.
One Mathematical Cat, Please!
Algebra I (including pre-algebra),
short course in Geometry (emphasis on proof),topics in Algebra II, Precalculus (in progress), beginning Calculus
fully sequenced lessonsSEARCHABLE
search box on every pageMATHEMATICS
MathJax is used to create dynamic, correctly-displayed mathematics—no images!
This state-of-the-art method of representing mathematics is what makes the randomly-generated exercises and worksheets possible.PRACTICE
Every lesson has unlimited, randomly-generated online exercises that are tightly linked with the exposition,
so you can check your understanding. QUIZZES
Every lesson has unlimited, randomly-generated quiz/worksheet generation, with solutions. Students can print out practice sheets.
Teachers can give a different quiz to each class, or to every student!FREE
free of charge; the single ad at the top of each page doesn't show when you're reading the content; Adsense ads attempt to target things that are of interest to the user; Amazon purchases can support site; donations are gratefully acceptedRESOURCES
Where appropriate, students are taught how to use WolframAlpha.The geometry course includes instruction on GeoGebra.
Information on the mathematical language is incorporated throughout the course, so students learn how to read mathematics while they're learning mathematics.This 10-page pdf file will give you a sense of what this ‘math language’ stuff is all about, and also gives a sample of the author's writing style. (The whole book is here, if you're interested!)
Algebra Pinball shows you just how fast some students have been able to do the skill exercises! Just TRY to beat them!
FUN STUFF is included in each Algebra I lesson (right column) for breaks!
‘Fun Facts’ are scattered throughout the site, so you can ‘get to know’ the author.
JSXGraph is used to create dynamic graphics (like this triangle exploration).
The main Table of Contents includes SAT prep, a slide show to learn about the site, testimonials, and much more.
All these web sites are great.
Just as different students prefer different teachers,
one site may work better for you than another.
Take a look at all of them!
Just as different students prefer different teachers,
one site may work better for you than another.
Take a look at all of them!
fully sequenced lessons
search box on every pageMATHEMATICS
images and text are used for mathematics; for example,
‘pi’ is used instead of $\pi$
no randomly-generated exercises
no worksheets or quizzes
free; lots of advertisementsRESOURCES
there is a ‘Mathway Widget’ at the bottom of
some pages where you can
try your own exercisesYou can't learn mathematics without doing exercises.
Only a couple of these sites offer extensive exercises.
Even if you prefer the exposition on one site,
you might want to make use of the exercises on another.
Only a couple of these sites offer extensive exercises.
Even if you prefer the exposition on one site,
you might want to make use of the exercises on another.
The Math Page
skill in arithmetic,
plane geometry,
skill in algebra,
topics in trigonometry,
topics in precalculus,
an approach to calculus,
the evolution of the real numbers
fully sequenced lessons
not searchable
images and text are used for mathematics
no randomly-generated exercises
There are ‘hover to see the answer’ exercises throughout.
no worksheets or quizzes
free; very little advertisingRESOURCES
A site that is written by a single author
has the nice feature
that all the writing is ‘in the same voice’.
You get used to the way a person ‘talks’,
and this familiarity can be calming.
that all the writing is ‘in the same voice’.
You get used to the way a person ‘talks’,
and this familiarity can be calming.
Khan Academy
arithmetic and pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and precalculus,
calculus, probability and statistics, differential equations, linear algebra,
applied math, recreational mathematicsSEQUENCING
fully sequenced lessons
this is a collection
of online videos of varying lengths; you can get captions, where the math is (as much as
possible) represented as textPRACTICE
some lessons have randomly-generated exercises with correctly-displayed math
using MathJaxQUIZZES
you can earn points, keep track of your progress, and moreFREE
free, but you do need to create a loginRESOURCES
There is superb free online math technology available.
Emphasis should be moving away from ‘just calculating’,
because computers do it better than humans.
Students need to understand the beautiful IDEAS in math.
Students need to be exposed to the best available math tools,
and learn how to use them appropriately.
Emphasis should be moving away from ‘just calculating’,
because computers do it better than humans.
Students need to understand the beautiful IDEAS in math.
Students need to be exposed to the best available math tools,
and learn how to use them appropriately.