audio read-through Graphing Tools: Vertical and Horizontal Scaling (Part 1)

(This page is Part 1. Click here for Part 2.)

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You may want to review:

There are things that you can DO to an equation of the form $\,y=f(x)\,$ that will change the graph in a variety of ways.

For example, you can move the graph up or down, left or right, reflect about the $\,x\,$ or $\,y\,$ axes, stretch or shrink vertically or horizontally.

An understanding of these transformations makes it easy to graph a wide variety of functions, by starting with a ‘basic model’ and then applying a sequence of transformations to change it to the desired function.

In this discussion, we will explore stretching and shrinking a graph, both vertically and horizontally.

When you finish studying this lesson, you should be able to do a problem like this:

GRAPH: $\,y=2{\text{e}}^{5x}\,$

Here are ideas that are needed to understand graphical transformations.

Ideas Regarding Functions and the Graph of a Function

Ideas Regarding Vertical Scaling (Stretching/Shrinking)

$$ \begin{align} \cssId{s57}{\text{original equation:}} &\quad \cssId{s58}{y=f(x)}\cr \cssId{s59}{\text{new equation:}} &\quad \cssId{s60}{y=3f(x)} \end{align} $$

interpretation of new equation:

$$ \cssId{s62}{\overset{\text{the new $y$-values}}{\overbrace{ \strut\ \ y\ \ }}} \cssId{s63}{\overset{\text{are}}{\overbrace{ \strut\ \ =\ \ }}} \cssId{s64}{\overset{\text{three times}\ \ \ }{\overbrace{ \strut \ \ 3\ \ }}} \cssId{s65}{\overset{\text{the previous $y$-values}}{\overbrace{ \strut\ \ f(x)\ \ }}} $$

Summary of Vertical Scaling

Let $\,k \gt 1\,.$

Start with the equation $\,y=f(x)\,.$ Multiply the previous $y$-values by $\,k\,,$ giving the new equation $\,y=kf(x)\,.$

The $y$-values are being multiplied by a number greater than $\,1\,,$ so they move farther from the $x$-axis. This makes the graph steeper, and is called a vertical stretch.

Let $\,0 \lt k \lt 1\,.$

Start with the equation $\,y=f(x)\,.$ Multiply the previous $y$-values by $\,k\,,$ giving the new equation $\,y=kf(x)\,.$

The $y$-values are being multiplied by a number between $\,0\,$ and $\,1\,,$ so they move closer to the $x$-axis. This makes the graph flatter, and is called a vertical shrink.

In both cases, a point $\,(a,b)\,$ on the graph of $\,y=f(x)\,$ moves to a point $\,(a,kb)\,$ on the graph of $\,y=kf(x)\,.$ This transformation type is formally called vertical scaling (stretching/shrinking).

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